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The latest news and advice from Retirement Navigator™.

Wealth check
In recent years, the responsibility for saving for our retirement has increasingly shifted to the individual. The good news is that by following a handful of simple rules, you can make that responsibility work in your favour.
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The dirtiest problem in all of finance
Nobel Prize winner Bill Sharpe referred to the art of strategically funding your retirement years as the dirtiest problem in all of finance. That’s because, when it comes to retirement, there are more uncertainties than certainties.
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Using Design Thinking to build your retirement plan
As humans we are hardwired to seek certainty. The financial services industry crudely attempts to satisfy this insatiable desire for certainty by using algorithms that turn retirement planning into nothing more than a numbers game.
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Putting LIFE into your retirement plans
By the time you reach your mid-fifties, a crude algorithm that calculates a savings target to reach or a spending limit to live within is not what you need.
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Confidence in your retirement income plan comes from testing it, stressing it and readjusting it as life unfolds.

Assume at your peril
The joke about assumptions is an old one but it still makes me smile. But when it comes to your retirement, assumptions are anything but amusing. Your retirement plan needs to throw away the assumptions and adopt a “hope for the best, plan for the worst” philosophy.
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Better retirement choices
Good or bad. Easy or hard. Right or wrong. Every choice you make will impact your life to some degree. Choices with little impact are often made without much prior thought.
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Winning and losing the tax game
Many of my clients and friends still believe that there is inherent fairness in government programs. When I point out disparities in medical services, government contracts, municipal board decisions, welfare payments, and the greatest of them all – taxation – they begin to acknowledge the painful reality that many government programs just aren’t fair.
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The three biggest questions about retirement planning
By the time you reach your mid-fifties, a crude algorithm that calculates a savings target to reach or a spending limit to live within is not what you need.
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Retirement planning: Big question #1
The industry’s approach to answering your big question — “Am I going to be OK?” — tends to rely upon simple mathematical algorithms that provide an average annual spending target, that fences in the amount of cash flow that should be spent, if one wants to ensure the sustainability of their chosen annual activities.
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Retirement planning: Big question #2
Taxes don’t stop with retirement, but it is a stage of life where you have the best opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of strategic tax planning.
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Retirement planning: Big question #3
It’s hard to figure out where you’re headed if you don’t know where you are and you don’t know where you’re going. It’s something many Canadian retirees can relate to, as they experience what are supposed to be the “golden years” of their life.
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The secret to reducing your “How much is enough?” number
Without question, the most popular retirement question probably is: How much is enough? In other words, what is the dollar amount I need to achieve within my retirement nest egg account before I choose to relinquish my reliance upon a pay cheque to fund my desired lifestyle?
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The better your choices, the better your retirement
I have spent almost three decades helping people prepare for their retirement years. Throughout that time, I have witnessed almost every possible scenario. The good and the bad. The joyful and the sad.
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Boom or bust?
Even though they will live longer than any other preceding generation, it’s been estimated that one-third of all Baby Boomers have nothing – zero dollars – saved for retirement by age 58.
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Am I going to be OK?
This is probably the most frequently asked question of our Retirement Income Specialists here at Retirement Navigator™. But the reality is, you’ll never be satisfied with the answer until you define what your OK looks like. This life plan must include associated costs and timelines.
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Roadblocks to retirement success
As a Retirement Income Specialist, I spend most of my time identifying opportunities within people’s life plans that can ultimately add hundreds of thousands to their cash flow and net worth during their drawdown years.
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How to have a better retirement
I find it very rewarding to help people overcome the obstacles they encounter on the road to retirement.
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What you need to believe
As Baby Boomers, we are redefining retirement, blurring the line between the end of work and the start of traditional retirement.
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Is your retirement following its flight plan?
Most retirees live a retirement filled with fear and doubt due to the absence of such a navigation system
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Retirement Planning vs. Retirement Designing
Retirement Designing gives you the ability to evaluate the outcomes of your choices – before having to make them
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A navigation system for your retirement
If you don’t know where you currently are, then you don’t know where you are going
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